
Leavin' 4 contest!!!

Finally.....the time has come...I'm going to leave for Tokyo in Friday for the National speach-contest!!!!!I know...some of my close people;I've been saying that I'm not nervous @ all,but please just keep me in prayer so that I can do my best;no matter how the result will be.



Not 'cause of age...

Oh my goodness!!!!!

HAHA *V* It's not because I'm getting old;but because of the side-effect from the chemo-therepy which I took on 8/24.I've already had this experiment last year,but it's giving me damage mentally;so please keep me in prayer so that I can go over this problem.


Summer High school baseball 夏の甲子園

Man.....it was awesome!!!Today,my house-keeper took me to the high-school tournament.Although,the team from Okinawa lost the first round,the game I saw were the best 16s;and it was sooooooo crazy(Of course...in a good way lol)
やっっっぱ生は違うねぇ~~((笑  今日大阪のお友達と一緒に甲子園を観に行きましたぁ~。
This guy,is Yuusei Kikuchi;I dont know him that much,but I know he is one of the #1 pitcher this year(the future pros).I was able to see him super close :)
あぁ...菊池 雄星だ!!!!!優勝候補のエースを超~~近くで見れたぁ...すっげぇ((泣

The best part is..............that he made this year's tournament's fastest pitch record.It was 154km/h;which is like 99mph.(INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
やっぱやってくれるねぇ (嬉)この試合で彼は今年の最速ピッチを見せてくれた。154ってスッッッッゲェ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Uh...Oh my goodness!!!Why do I have to catch it right now?Oh well;I pray that my whole summer plan will work out good.Also,please keep me in prayer so that this horrible disease will get out from my body.


Solar Eclipse

It's SO COOL!!!!!!!!I heard that this takes place once in 46 years.The next time when I see it,is when I become 61(Uh.....That's scary.lol)I'm glad that I was able to see it.


Reflection from now on... これからの反省...

As some of you might know,I started joining the volleyball club.From today,I would like to update my reflection of the week every Saturday.Please be cheering for our school team.



Worship Conference Startin'!!!!    会議開始...

Yeah!!!!The moment I've been waiting for;

It's so cooool!Man,I wish they have it everyday.I can meet the guys who I haven't seen for a long time.I am really excited how this conference is goin' 2 be like.

They are Hakugaijin;The white foreigner,I mean the persecuted man(Sorry,Trevor.I took your joke lol)They are so awesome!!!!!Please listen to the CD f you haven't heard their songs yet.
